Sandy Hopper
Sandy is PHTC’s President and supports the club’s strategic direction, leading on governance and special projects.

Damien Nowicki
Damien is the club’s Vice President and supports the president on significant projects. He coordinates the annual Club Championships and oversees maintenance around the Club. Get in touch with Damien if you’d like to take part in the champs competition.

Sam Fitzsimons
Sam supports the committee on governance of the Club and organises opportunities for members to get together.

Ali Barker
Ali is captain of the Club’s Mixed Doubles team, sends out member emails and keeps the club website up to date.

Kristian Kostov
Secretary & Treasurer
Kristian oversees the finances of the Club and its general operations.

Christian Bongiovanni
Christian is PHTC’s Head Coach and oversees the coaching program at the club via BT Performance Tennis. The program includes Junior Hot Shots classes, individual coaching and group classes including Women’s Social and Cardio Tennis sessions.

Nathan Korotkov
Nathan looks after adult competition, coordinating our social competition teams.

Ernie Gray
Ernie offers general committee support.

Kylie Hunter
Kylie co-ordinates our Junior Competition teams. Contact her via the club email if you are a junior player or the parent of a junior player interested in representing PHTC in one of our junior competition teams.